Our Hope Is In The Lord
On the feast day of St. Gregory the Great, Fr. Altman draws upon the Psalmist words today to confirm our ...

You Cannot Be A Catholic And A Democrat. Period.
Father Altman calls out the hypocrisies of Church hierarchy and their destructive leftist politicization of the Catholic Church that has ...

In You Lord, I Have Found My Peace
Fr. Altman ponders the Psalmist words, "In you Lord, I have found my peace" in the context of today's chaos ...

Jesus Will Cleanse His Church
Fr. Altman discusses how Jesus cleansed the temple of the merchants and how he will come again to cleanse His ...

Catholic Privilege
Fr. Altman reflects on the real privilege of being Catholic and how godless forces in today's society are seeking the ...

Lesson of the Keys
Fr. Altman reviews the meaning of Jesus giving the keys of the kingdom to Peter and its relevance to ecumenism ...

Woe to the Shepherds!
Fr. Altman reflects upon the Ezekiel's warning to the shepherds of his time and its applicability to our current times ...

Fill Your Lamps With Oil
Fr. Altman uses the story of the Canaanite woman to illustrate the importance of being persistent in our faith and ...

Keep the Faith in the Midst of the Storm
Fr. Altman uses the example of Peter and Jesus walking on the water to act as an example for us ...

God Gave Us A Brain, Let Us Use It
Fr. Altman uses common sense to confront some of the misinformation being used to promote fear by our leaders ...

FEARdemic – Trust God, Not Men
Fr. Altman provides a summary of Jesus' teachings about the Kingdom of Heaven and why we must put our trust ...

Silence is Complicity
Fr. Altman reflects on the importance of not remaining silent when we have a duty to speak the truth ...