
Keeping the Faith in Desperate Times

Keeping the Faith in Desperate Times

Fr. Altman reflects on the sufferings of Job can provide us with an example of how to keep the faith ...
Independence Day

Independence Day

Fr. Altman recalls the freedom won for us by our forefathers and the responsibly we have to defend this freedom ...
Do Good, Avoid Evil

Do Good, Avoid Evil

Fr. Altman expounds on the first reading for July 1, 2020 in which the prophet Amos exhorts people to do ...
Hold Fast to the One True Faith

Hold Fast to the One True Faith

Growth is not easy because there are growing pains. But we must grow in faith to be prepared to deal ...
Father's Day: Freedom of Speech

Father’s Day: Freedom of Speech

Fr. Altman discusses the importance of freedom of speech and the failure of the bishops to defend our rights ...
Which Road Will You Choose?

Which Road Will You Choose?

Fr. Altman discusses the most important choice each of us needs to make in this life ...
Freedom, Socialism and Sharing in the Sufferings of Christ

Freedom, Socialism and Sharing in the Sufferings of Christ

Fr. Altman reflects on the blessings of freedom and the current public unrest taking place in our nation ...
Fr. Altman Admonishes Archbishop Gregory

Fr. Altman Admonishes Archbishop Gregory

Fr. Altman preaches about the riots sweeping the nation and comments on Archbishop Wilton Gregory's chastisement of President Trump for ...
Persecution for Speaking the Truth

Persecution for Speaking the Truth

Fr. Altman discusses St. Paul's missionary trips and the persecution he experienced for speaking the truth ...
Shepherds Abandoned Their Sheep During The Pandemic

Shepherds Abandoned Their Sheep During The Pandemic

Fr. Altman admonishes bishops who locked their parishes during the pandemic, thereby denying their people access to the sacraments ...